My period is 2 weeks late?

2017-02-10 5:23 am
This has happened before once that I can remember. I am usually at least a week late. I am not pregnant. I started a new diet (all healthy food no junk 1,200 calories a day) and workout at least 4 days a week 30-90 mins each day. I started all this after my last menstrual cycle. I am 26 and never been to the gyno because I am scared.

回答 (6)

2017-02-10 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
There's nothing scary about seeing a gynecologist. See a woman doctor if that would make you feel more comfortable. At 26, you really should have a pelvic exam. It's past time for that.

As for your period, all kinds of things can throw your cycle out of whack. One thing you should understand is that you are not usually "a week late" -- that's just your normal cycle. It's a little longer than most, which is not all that unusual. (I had a 28-day cycle when I was still menstruating; my sister's was 33/34 days.) So, you are one week late now, not two. Give it another week and then make an appointment with a gynecologist if nothing happens.
2017-02-10 11:41 pm
1. Extensive exercise can make your period late or non-existent.

2. Being anemic can make you period late or non-existent. It sounds to me like you might not be eating enough, since you are working out so hard!!! Your body needs a lot of protein when you exercise! I would see your GENERAL DOCTOR first!

3. Your period is often not regular in the first few years you have it. It sounds unlikely, but if you were a late bloomer, it may simply just be that.

4. If you are sexually active, you should definitely see a gyno. It's not as scary as you think! The vaginal exam takes less than 5 minutes. Also, if you are sexually active, you could definitely be pregnant! Condoms are only 85% effective with typically use. Birth control pills are 0% effective if not taken within the a half hour of the last! BUT I DID PUT THIS LAST SINCE YOU SAID YOU AREN'T PREGNANT!
2017-02-10 12:55 pm
Well, truth is, millions of women go to the gynecologist every day in this world, and they all live to tell about it after the appointment. There's nothing scary about it, really.

If your period is late, and youre feeling ok, then i wouldn't worry about it. If you're not feeling well, that's another story.

You might want to get a PAP smear done every couple of years though. It's a critical test we all need to have done, just to be on the safe side.

take care
2017-02-10 5:33 am
So it seems that your normal cycle is about 35 days. And you're about 1 week later than that. Chances are your new exercise regimen has thrown your cycle off. It will right itself. But if you're worried, see the gyno. I don't know why you're scared. Not knowing isn't going to help.
2017-02-10 5:42 am
OMG! How could you think it's okay that you're 26 years old and never been to the gyno? "because I'm scared..." is no excuse for a 26 year old adult to ignore her health. Time to grow up.
2017-02-10 5:23 am

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