How can you repair the fuel injector?

2017-02-09 7:35 pm

回答 (9)

2017-02-11 7:01 am
You replace it.
2017-02-10 6:50 pm
The old mechanical injectors you can...The newer electrical ones, NO
2017-02-10 1:46 pm
You cant really, leave it to a professional
2017-02-10 6:13 am
You can attempt to clean them if they're clogged but if they're shorted internally you have to replace. It's best just to replace them anyways.
2017-02-10 4:13 am
Clean it with solvent, or replace it.
2017-02-10 1:40 am
You can't. You have to replace faulty injectors. But be sure that's the problem before you waste your money/. Injectors last well. Often the lifetime of the car.
2017-02-09 7:48 pm
Try to clean it, it can be blocked.
2017-02-09 7:35 pm
you replace. you can't repair
2017-02-09 9:13 pm
Hi No it needs to be replaced as it has failed to function.

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