could thou and i be we?

2017-02-09 3:33 pm

回答 (5)

2017-02-09 4:28 pm
if one and one is two, originally, Man is bisex?
if so that, was bible's genesis wrong theortcial base?
by greek's myth, first Man was bisex,
as it were, four arms and four legs..
hence, first Man had started from like that.
as if light had its shadow, Man also miss that half.
so, here i could not but doubting one question.
because i isn't creatorist, exactly i can not but belive greek's myth.
why creator could make Man bisex.
as if half and half makes circle, adam had to create eve one body completely.
that was god's second mistake.
aleady, this year passed by one month and on Feb. 9.
that numbers of times change many numbers other one.
by the way, no changing thing used tocome to me surely.
speaking another sense, my body can not but mixing one wording, one conception.
like above that, a thing makes one sense, because by that makes one perception.
creator built nature, nature fostered and grew plenty of things, of those, Man was top.
whether anyone was god and creator, i just could n't know.
in the beginning, if Man was one, you and l don't need struggle with one food and ground.
that can not but being the start of trgic prologue of mankind.
half and half makes one, why man and woman was going to be circle.
if i were creator, i will be going to make woman other model.
half made up of another circle.
as it were, two objective works..
as if full moon wane side by side,
then, as it changing more and more half..

if god makes thing
as nature becomes a model
after seeing that
by that's sense
ancient writer also wuold write one Idea
here is hell and heaven!
2017-02-09 3:50 pm
2017-02-09 3:42 pm
Not with that attitude.
2017-02-09 3:37 pm
Probably not im not a very nice person
2017-02-09 3:34 pm
No, sorry - I don't know you.

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