how to cure OCD?

2017-02-09 12:30 pm
So, I am a 14 year old, and struggling with OCD. yes, I have been diagnosed, and I am not just throwing the term around. My OCD is contamination and fear of vomiting. I have always had a fear of throwing up, but a year ago I got the flu and after that I frequently got stomach pains. That triggered the OCD, because i didn't want to throw up. I washed my hands till they were raw, cracked and bleeding. And since summer 2016, food had played a great deal in my OCD. I stopped eating meat, eggs, chicken, fish, dairy, because of the intrusive thought of it being undercooked or contaminated. I only ate packaged foods. I barely ate and became very skinny to the point i was hospitalized for 3 days. I was diagnosed with OCD and borderline anorexic (even though I wasn't, it was just the obsession and fear i felt) I have been visiting my psychologist, taking the medicine they prescribed, but its still there. My OCD caused problems at home, my mom and i fought like crazy until i finally started getting better. But I'm afraid that it will come back and i am in such a good state with my mom right now and i love her and i just want her to be happy since she hasn't had that great of a life. (breast cancer to be specific) Any techniques to help me get over it?

回答 (3)

2017-02-09 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks for reaching out, Sophia. It sounds like you have been struggling with OCD but you are finally starting to make some breakthroughs. Good for you! You deserve a pat on the back for getting through these tough times.

Though there is not a known cure for OCD, therapy and medication can help. It sounds like you have been doing these treatments already. The symptoms may always be there on some level, but from what you are saying things have been getting better.

It can be difficult to go through all of this and have relationships remain healthy through it all. Your relationship with your mother is so important to you as is your own well being. Balancing these two can be challenging. The best thing that you can do right now is take care of yourself, work with your psychologist and follow your treatment plan, and spend time with your mother to let her know that you care about her. She's had a tough life too and the two of you can be there to support each other.

If you need someone to talk to about what's going on, you can call a crisis line for support. Many of them are available 24/7. Keep working on meeting your goals and striving to live each day the best that you can. Take care!

TB - Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000
2017-02-09 1:46 pm
There is no cure.
2017-02-09 12:36 pm
You could try ERP therapy under the guidance of a professional psychologist. Or talk to your own psychologist about ways to cure it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:35:05
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