Online well paying jobs?

2017-02-08 11:26 pm
Hi, would someone be able to give me a list of some of the possible careers you can work at home and actually have a decent hourly wage between 16 and 20$ an hour? I live in Canada. I am on the search and have been for a while to find what I want to do later on in life. It's very hard to decide because I want two things. To be happy, and to have money. At least enough so that I can actually live without stressing out as I do now. I am looking into online jobs as I am an introvert and I enjoy being alone. I do not NEED a work at home job either. Besides that I am looking for something that I can do in college that will help people (makes me feel great) and of course make money... Thank you!

回答 (4)

2017-02-09 1:08 am
NO. Sorry to shout but you have obviously missed the fact that this is asked dozens of times every day and the answer is always that there aren't any. If there were we would all be doing them.
2017-02-09 1:20 am
You already asked this question the answer is the same.....

What technical skills do you have?
2017-02-08 11:28 pm
I was very excited to hear about medical transcriptionist. It can be done at home and is a 60 billion dollar business. Problem is, its all outsourced. Mostly anyways. Hear you can still get some work but will have to do it for $11 an hour to compete with the third world.
2017-02-08 11:28 pm

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