
2017-02-07 10:14 pm

回答 (7)

2017-02-07 10:59 pm
= How many students does it need to start a class?
2017-02-08 6:42 am
"要收到幾多學生,纔會開辦該課程呢?"翻譯為英文==How many students are required to offer a course in College? Yip
2017-02-07 11:15 pm
----How many students does it take to start a course ?
2017-02-16 8:27 pm
How many student does the course require in order to start?
2017-02-11 9:36 pm
= How many students does it need to open a course ?
2017-02-09 12:08 am
What should be the number of students to form a course?
It was thought by myself
2017-02-07 11:33 pm
What’s the threshold number of students, that gives effect to administration to have the course delivered

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