2017-02-07 1:52 pm
A flexible weather balloon contains helium gas at a volume of 855 L. Initially, the balloon is at sea level, where the temperature is 25 C and the barometric pressure is 0.947 atm. The balloon then rises to an altitude of 5500 ft, where the pressure is 0.771 atm and the temperature is15 C. What is the change in the volume of the balloon as it ascends from sea level to 5500 ft?
A) 160. L
B) 1015. L
C) 212. L
D) 643. L
E) 195. L

回答 (1)

2017-02-07 2:24 pm
At sea level: P₁ = 0.947 atm, V₁ = 855 L, T₁ = (273 + 25) K = 298 K
At an altitude of 5500 ft: P₂ = 0.771 atm₂, V₂ = ? L, T₂ = (273 + 15) K = 288 K

For a fixed amount of gas: P₁V₁/T₁ = P₂V₂/T₂
Then, V₂ = V₁ × (P₁/V₂) × (T₂/T₁)

Final volume, V₂ = (855 L) × (0.947/0.771) × (288/298) = 1015 L

The answer: B) 1015 L

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