Yoyo Physics Question? I am really confused?

2017-02-07 4:19 am
A. Assume: Drag(friction) is negligible.
Given g = 9.81 m/s^2. The density of a large Yo-yo like solid is uniform throughout. The Yo-yo like solid has a mass of 2.1 kg. A cord is wrapped around the stem of the Yo-yo like solid and attached to the ceiling. The radius of the stem is 3m and the radius of the disk is 7m. Calculate the moment of inertia about the center of mass(axis of rotation). Answer in units of kg*m^2.

B. What is the vertical acceleration of the center of mass of the Yo-you? Answer in units of m/s^2.

C. What is the magnitude of the torque the cord exerts on the center of mass of the Yo-Yo? Answer in units of Nm

D. The Yo-Yo is released from rest at height h. Find the velocity v of the center of mass of the disk at the height ∆h = 19 m. Answer in units of m/s.

回答 (1)

2017-02-07 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
A) I = ½M*R² = 51.45 kg∙m²
B) a = M*g/(M*g + I/r²) = 0.7828 m/s²
Tension T = (g - a)*M = 18.96 N
C) Q = T*r = 56.88 N∙m
D) v = √[2*a*Δh] = 5.454 m/s
參考: Conservation of rotational & translational KE My 'cheat sheet' of physics formulae

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