I used a q-tip to clean my ears and now theyre clogged, what do i do!?

2017-02-06 3:27 pm
I used a q tip to clean my ears and my left ear is really clogged and its getting really annoying, i knowni should of used q-tips to clean my ear but is there anything i can do?

回答 (2)

2017-02-06 3:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hydrogen peroxide an a bulb syringe, tilt you head to the side put the peroxide in your ear leave it there as long as you can stand 2 to 3 minute if possible fair warning it will not be pleasant its bubbly and loud then fill the bulb syringe with warn water tilt you head down to let the liquid out of your ear and gently squeeze the warn water in your ear to wash out the yucky stuff. repeat with the other ear. if you don't have a bulb syringe no worries the peroxide will loosen up the stuff but you'll have to keep doing it a few days . try not to use the q-tip I know it feel so good! but all your doing is pushing the junk deeper in your ear then that will require a trip to the dr. if you have any tenderness at the base of your ears (where your ears meet your neck) it could be an ear infection and will require a doctor visit anyway. hope this helps
2017-02-06 3:27 pm
Yeah, use google to solve this simple problem.

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