Is it bad that I've put 3,000 miles on a car that ive only had a little over a month?

2017-02-06 5:23 am

回答 (18)

2017-02-06 6:38 am
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1200 miles per month is closer to average. That said, if you drive a lot for work, 5000 miles per month isn't unusual. As long as routine maintenance is done at the proper mileage, the car won't suffer any harm as a result.
2017-02-06 12:03 pm
It's not bad, as long as you have routine maintenance.
2017-02-06 5:49 am
No, but it's bad you'd ask a dumbass question like that.
2017-02-08 9:16 am
I bought a 2016 Silverado on 1/14/17, got 350 miles on it....

Different strokes for different folks. You will naturally wear yours out quicker than I will. But with proper maintenance, you should get as many miles out of your specific vehicle as any other well cared for car like it.
2017-02-06 6:54 am
Average mileage is between 12,000 and 15,000 mile annually. This meas that AVERAGE use is between 1000 and 1250 miles a month. Putting more miles on a car causes increase depreciation of the cash value of the vehicle, but in itself is not going to harm the vehicle (other than the normal wear and tear)

I have been known to drive well over 1000 miles in a week for my work. Highway miles put much less wear and tear on a vehicle than stop and go city driving
參考: 38 years in the auto business
2017-02-06 5:52 am
Probably about twice what an 'average' person would drive. But not to worry, you bought it to drive it and the payments are the same whether you drive it or park it. Drive and get your money's worth
2017-02-06 5:25 am
its average i guess .. if most of it is work commuting and its a 'new' car, it may be an idea to get an old beater just for commuting and keep the miles off the nice one ..
2017-03-01 12:56 pm
If the mileage is accumulated during long distance commute and not stop-and-go, it can actually be beneficial to car engines and even to car overall. That is the reason, for instance, that taxi drivers always seem to want to go fast on highway whenever they get the chance.
2017-02-06 5:33 am
no that is absolutely normal
2017-02-06 6:07 am

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