關於end up~~~~~~~?

2017-02-05 10:20 pm

1.end (v.) 2.end up 3.end up in 4. end up with 分別?

回答 (2)

2017-02-06 10:04 am
And I know I may end up falling(gerund) too(adv).
His project ended up in fail(noun)
If you continue to be so rude, you’ll be end up with no friends or whatever – copied from PIXNET
For more information, check the information of PIXNET,
The explanation given by Starken on PIXNET is excellent, much, much better than I could. I can’t copy his writing without his permission.
2017-02-05 10:58 pm
1.end (v.) 不及物動詞, 結束的意思.
例子: Everything will end.

2.end up 不及物動詞, 結束在的意思.
例子: His project ended up failed.

3.end up in 不及物動詞, 結束在的意思.
例子: His tour ended up in Taipei. (有一些出乎意料的意味)
例子: His tour ended in Taipei. (沒有出乎意料的意味)

4. end up with 不及物動詞, 結束在的意思.
例子: His project ended up with a big loss. (有一些出乎意料的意味)

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