input-------> +3 -------->x5 -------> output. -HELP-?

2017-02-05 9:44 pm
a number is input into the machine. the output is three times the input. what is the number that was input into the machine.

回答 (2)

2017-02-05 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If x is the input then it is changed to x+3, and that is then multiplied by 5 giving you an output of 5(x+3).

You are told that the output equals 3 times the input, so it must also equal 3x. The two outputs for the same input must be equal (otherwise it is not a function), so

5(x+3) = 3x

Multiply out the left side and solve

5x + 15 = 3x, subtract 3x from both sides
2x + 15 = 0, so
2x = -15, so
x = -15/2 (i.e. -7 1/2)
2017-02-05 9:58 pm
output = 3 * input
You have more variables, 2, than equations, 1, so there are infinitely many solutions.

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