Am I spoiled ?

2017-02-05 1:52 am
People say I'm spoiled and I have the following
iPhone 6
Chocolate Pomeranian dog
2 guinea pigs
A computer in my room
A closet full of clothes. I have like 20 pairs of jeans and 100 tops. I have many shoes. 3 pairs of sneakers and 100 flip flops and uggs.
I have many hair products
My room is always tidy and clean
I have perfect grades
I live in a 5 bedroom house
I have a coffee maker
I go shopping every weekend at the mall or help my mom go to Walmart
I might be getting a car because I'm 16.
I'm very grateful for everything and I donate and always respect my parents.

回答 (6)

2017-02-05 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nah, you are just loved,because what parent doesnt want the best for their kids?
now those good grades prove that you are hardworking and not a brat.
which might have earned you the car, (IMO that is too much) but everything else is fine. your parents love you and you dont take that for granted as you go and keep your mom company while shopping.
good for you bud. i know you will want to do the same or even better for your own kids when the time comes.
2017-02-05 2:07 am
Yeah you're pretty lucky you were born into a family that has money
2017-02-05 2:28 am
I used to have two Guinea pigs

One got killed by my dog, and the other ran away
2017-02-05 2:06 am
No . You are fortunate to have nice things and if you lost it all you would be upset . That would be normal . Good grades, good for you .
2017-02-05 2:02 am
Some people might say that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
2017-02-05 1:56 am
Your family is rich but you're successfully meeting your societal goals (good grades) so it doesn't matter. Just don't let it go to your head. Pride makes people jerks.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:26:53
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