Wife hasn't forgiven me for hitting her?

2017-02-04 10:31 pm
I had hit her in a fight a month back . It was the first and last time that I laid my hands on her in anger . I have apologised hundred of times to her for this and she says it's okay and she is over it but I know that she is not . She is distant and very formal , if at all we get intimate , then it is a mechanical act for her . I love her and I had lost my judgment in that bout of anger . I know she is hurting but I want to fix this ,how ?

回答 (13)

2017-02-04 10:45 pm
IMO - would you forgive you? How about the guy who hits your mom, your daughter, your favorite aunt, would you forgive them?
If people thought about their actions and the ripples they create, then maybe they wouldn't go there.
IF she never forgives you for this and leaves, you have no one to blame but yourself. If she comes back and forgives - can you really say you love her enuff to never ever do anything to hurt her again?
Friend, she deserves the same love, respect, and goodness that you do. Dont be selfish - if you cant guarantee her the best that you got above then please let her go.
I want to say good luck to you, however knowing that if you or any man put their hands on me it is on and over. Consider yourself lucky if she comes back to forgive, I know most of us wouldn't.
Your mother raised you better - make her proud and don't you EVER put your hands on a woman again.
參考: Old enuff to school ya :o(
2017-02-05 4:54 am
You scared her. She can "forgive" all you like but she's scared of you now. No faking that. The only way I can give you to "fix" this is to be a person she can grow to trust again. No quick "fix" for that.
2017-02-05 2:46 am
Why the **** would you hit her?
2017-02-05 2:13 am
Get into couples counseling so you two can talk about it and resolve it with the help of a professional. Clearly there's still a lot on her mind about it, probably something she never imagined you'd do.
2017-02-05 3:55 pm
Marriage counselling. Lots and lots of it.
2017-02-05 6:57 am
That is called assault buddy and you should be in jail. Turn yourself in and do your time and then she might forgive you.
2017-02-04 10:42 pm
You crossed a line. Now earn your way back. If charges were pressed, you'd be serving a few months. Get over it. If you love her and want to stay married, what the hell is a month?
2017-02-09 3:38 pm
Beg pology, give gifts, go for leisure trio & she will get melted.
2017-02-05 12:21 pm
I was in an abusive relationship but yet I still loved him even in his faults. When you get that angry just walk away or go for a drive. Plus give her some time. Yes she is hurting and she may say she forgives you but the truth is that memory of when you hit her will always be there....speaking from experience. You might want to consider counseling if you want to stay together.
2017-02-04 10:34 pm
Who gives a sh-t about her. Sc-ew your God d-mm wife. If she is going to be like that then she can go to h-ll.

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