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Best answer copied from "Yahoo-International- US – Society & Culture – Languages" is as follows.
Best Answer:
No metaphoric meaning. It's just a warning not to stick anything in your ears (typically, like using matchsticks or cotton buds or hairclips to clean out wax) because you might damage the eardrum. That is, the only safe thing to put in your ear is something, like the elbow, too big to go in.
It’s really a good question – An American humor which I think most of us (which would include me of course) lack for and a good answer for our health, I like it.
還是用中文補充說明一下好了 - 因寫英文也不能說寫得夠好
“永遠不可把任何東西(如棉花棒) 置入耳朵里”,
這是普遍的現象,即便你聽的懂英文(但少了美式幽默),你聽到上句話,你不會笑(因為這句話的中文意思是什? 真的還是不懂),但老美聽到上句話他們會笑 (因為他們一聽到這句話,他們就懂,其意思便是永遠不要把任何東西,如棉化棒,去做清除耳垢的意思 - 這除了是美國耳科醫師的專業建議也是美國大眾 – 文章中媽或祖母的交代),把一句往某個方向走的話,用如此隱喻的方式說出來,難怪會心領神會的方式大笑不已,這就是美式幽默。 - 107:02:05