Should I feel bad because he doesn't consider me a best friend? Even though I do everything for him?

2017-02-04 6:24 am
So I met this guy like 5 years ago and we clicked instantly like brother and sister. Well I'm a girl and he's a guy. I don't get along with girls to much and I'm more of a town boy then a girly girl even thou I still act and dress like one. So I literally always pick up my friend when he wants to hang out he never helps for gas. Every time we go out to eat I always have to pay for him because he never has money and this is almost every other weekend. And I and like tonight were suppose to go clubbing we get en free but it's a club we always go to every other weekend and umm its 7$ parking I always pay today I asked him to help me with 3$ and he told me he would think about it or he'll see. So my friend asked him who is your best friend? And he mention his other friend rob who known only a year. Like I do everything for him when we hang out I always pick him up the other day his mom gave him 20$ and we was at the club and he asked if I wanted a soda then I said yes thinking he would pay but no he asked me if I wanted a soda because he wanted one but he just needed me to pay for it. Which pissed me off. And It hurts he wouldn't consider me his best friend. He has came over my house plenty of times and stayed the night. Slowly but surely I don't get him things anymore well I do sometimes just not as much as I use to. I mean I even invited him on vacation and he never stops to think of me only his other loser friends who have no jobs and spend all day in the park doing nothing.

回答 (6)

2017-02-04 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honey, he's a zero!! An abusive user and a loser you don't want to know because he's high maintenance. Next time he needs something, tell him to ask his best friend Rob or whatever his name is to pay his way because that's what best friends do. He won't know what to say or do with that, but he deserves it. Good luck, cheer up, he's a thankless idiot.
2017-02-04 6:29 am
YEAH.its not your fault tho he sounds like a jerk please cut all contact with him and your mom wasted 20 dollars i feel so bad for her seriously.your mom is so nice..anyways he is taking you for granted please find a new friend :)
2017-02-04 6:28 am
Nope, and by the sounds of it he's pretty rude getting you to pay for a lot of things without chipping in, sounds like a leech. You'd be better off finding someone who appreciates you...
2017-02-04 6:43 am
Can't buy me love...You sure have been trying! It's not working. Apparently you CAN buy his companionship. Not his feelings.
2017-02-04 6:33 am
He's probably got bigger plans for you rather than just being his "best friend" also, guys click more naturally to other guys than they do with women. It's called The Laws of Brotherhood. Doesn't mean you're not important to him, but it's more natural to be one of the guys than to be bffs with a woman. Try to make it clear you want to be recognized as his best friend. Or otherwise have a more seductive approach, watch how he acts around it, and you'll know if he's interested in being more than friends.
2017-02-04 6:24 am

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