What is the most important thing to an one to win and sucess?

2017-02-03 3:41 pm
In Business and Life?
Is it by being Healthy,Happy and innocent as child, or by having a character through performance and personality?

回答 (6)

2017-02-03 4:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2017-02-04 12:15 am
Success would be having a job you like and freedom to do
what you enjoy on your free time.
Being wealthy is great,but slaving every day to get money
will make you miserable.
2017-02-03 7:15 pm
Sit tight in a corner and do meditation exercises and pray.
參考: compiled.
2017-02-03 3:45 pm
The answer is to find your true purpose in life and fulfill it.
2017-02-03 3:43 pm
Why can't you pick and choose?
2017-02-03 3:43 pm
Your words and spelling are lacking. Be happy is most important.

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