How to ask your parents to pay you back without it turning it into an argument. Please and thank you.??????

2017-02-03 7:16 am
Hello, I m 22 years old and I have my own apartment and job. My parents occasionally ask me for money, and tell me they ll pay me back and I always help them with no hesitation. One month my mom called me and asked me if I could pay both her and my dad s bill and altogether it was 120. So I did, the month after that they asked if I could lend them 90 for just my dad s bill, a few days after that they asked me if I could lend my little brother $5 and that "they" will pay me back. & just last month, my older brother got himself an apartment my mom called me and asked me if I could lend her $40 for the rest and that she d pay me back. Still to this day, they haven t paid me back for any of it. I m so broke right now and could definitely use the money and I m worried that if I ask, they ll make a big deal, and call me greedy like they usually do. So can someone please give me advice on the situation, itll greatly be appreciated.


回答 (7)

2017-02-03 7:20 am
You must get them to sign I.O.U.'s for the money.
With a date of payback, or payment plans.
Really, You can never get the money back without it.
They are sponges, and your money is the water. You have no way to squeeze it out of them once given (without papers to prove it.)

STOP! Stop giving them anything.
2017-02-03 7:44 am
1. Kiss all lent money goodbye. It's gone, never to be paid back..
2. Start saying no.
2017-02-03 11:35 am
They aren't going to pay you back. They never were going to.

If you try to ask them, they will just give you some line about "We raised you for 18 years blah blah blah"

Stop giving them money, and find a way to cut expenses for a bit until you catch back up.

You aren't responsible for bailing them out
2017-02-03 9:38 am
tell them to get jobs, the well is dry. You have your own bills to pay. If they do not like it, too darn bad.
2017-02-03 8:18 am
It shouldn't be unreasonable to call and ask if they are able to pay any part of the recent loans back. If they get upset then you can remind them that you are also a bit "short' on cash so any future loans will be impossible.
2017-02-03 7:17 am
Take em to court.
2017-02-03 8:27 am
i wouldnt ask them, theyve helped you your whole life, i would just consider it a gift

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