will i lose weight this way?

2017-02-03 4:10 am
ive tried eating healthy before while exercising daily and its almost impossible it makes me starving. i want to start working out again everyday. i usually eat at least one sweet a day and have a few drinks of alcohol a week. if i stop eating sweets and stop drinking alcohol while working out daily will i lose any weight?

回答 (2)

2017-02-03 4:31 am
If you consume fewer calories than your body uses, you'll lose fat. If eating healthy "makes you starving" then you aren't eating right. Include some lean protein or a bit of healthy fat in your meals/snacks, to help you feel full longer. You can also eat a fairly large quantity of many vegetables and still not consume many calories. So, if you learn what to eat, you can eat a quite a lot of food and still keep your calorie intake at a level to lose fat.

Consider the source link. It's a list of photos of healthy food vs junk food. You can see how much more healthy food you can consume, to equal the same calorie count as certain junk food.
2017-02-03 4:14 am
Yes. But don't push yourself too hard, allow yourself some luxuries every now and then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:10:50
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