Why I can I not fix my shitty life?

2017-02-02 7:56 pm
I tried to fix things with someone but they wont forgive me. I tried every apology but it just feels so pointless. Nobody will forgive me even if I try to fix things with them. It just feels like if my life is going to just suck. I should just kill my self because no one will listen to me. I just haste my life so much ,Iwish I never got upset but I just do. I can't help my anger if everyone has lied and stole from me and tings in my life have just been depressing. Why can't people get that?

回答 (39)

2017-02-05 5:09 am
2017-02-03 1:39 pm
Some things just are not meant to be. And even if somebody doesn't want to carry on a friendship with etc - it doesn't mean they don't understand or care for you. It may mean they want to move on in a different direction. Forgiving someone does not mean you have to continue a friendship with someone. Sometimes people can forgive you and move on. Perhaps people do listen to you but you just don't believe it. You must understand yourself and learn to embrace your life before you start to speak to other people etc. You must learn to forgive and to forget and to leave the past in the past and to move on. If you dont, its only going to hurt you. There are so many wonderful things for you to experience in life. Get out there and don't look back. Move on and be positive. Find ways to tackle your depression and truly help yourself. Take care.
2017-02-03 7:40 am
When all else fails, just crank up some music and DANCE!
2017-02-03 6:05 am
that perosn is not the perfect perosn it seems. unles wht u did was horific. liek murdering their parents or sexual asault. in which case i cna totlaly se eit theri way . but god has a plan fo ru . god is testing us to care oabut everyone purely love god an dlove good peopel who care when its hard. i care too . if u want someon eto listen and teach u hwo to fight off the horrors of depresion [email protected]
2017-02-03 1:52 am
You do whine a lot.
2017-02-02 9:54 pm
because you are a loser. life is laid out on a bell curve. on one end are the people who are winners most of the time, then heading back to the large group in the middle...sometimes we sin, sometimes we lose, sometimes the ice cream falls off the cone....then there's the other end of the bell curve where the losers are. if you don't know what a bell curve is, look it up.
2017-02-03 1:29 am
2017-02-04 4:05 am
Wow man. Your life ******* sucks lol. Mine is pretty great. SUCKS TO BE YOU. Lololololololololololololololololololololol
2017-02-18 12:44 am
that perosn is not the perfect perosn it seems... unles wht u did was horific... liek murdering their parents or sugarual asault... in which case i cna totlaly se eit theri way ... but god has a plan fo ru ... god is testing us to care oabut everyone purely love god an dlove good peopel who care when its hard... i care too ... if u want someon eto listen and teach u hwo to fight off the horrors of depresion [email protected]
2017-02-06 7:10 pm
Life is a process. you can not change it random.
2017-02-06 3:37 pm
At times like this, you need to just put on some calming music, take a bath (even if you are a man), and smile. Just because you are nice to people and apologize to them doesn't mean they will do the same. You just have to pretend that theu accepted the apology and move on. If you feel lonely, adopt a cat :) or a dog! They are way better than people. I admit that your life may not be in the best condition but it's up to you to see it in a better light. Smile. Smile. Smile. If someone knocks you down, smile. They hate that the most. The more you show them that you couldn't care less about them, they will slowly realize that you are independent and a better person than they thought you were. Cheer up :) I'm positive that you have people around you that care about you, even if you don't see that. Don't harm yourself for the actions of others because that only gives them what they want. Don't forget to smile :)
2017-02-06 1:15 pm
2017-02-05 11:51 pm
May I suggest prayer & attending local church & if comfortable speak to a priest pastor etc & as well seek counselling & do not give up.
2017-02-05 7:56 pm
Why are you call for your life as shitty? Think positive then all issues will be fixed.
2017-02-05 4:30 pm
If you get mad because people steal from you, it's not up to you to apologize for hurting their feelings. Get new friends that respect you.
2017-02-05 3:08 pm
2017-02-05 2:37 pm
Doing things for others is a good way to make up for the bad things you did in your past. When I was in your shoes, it's what I did, and if you keep your head up, things will get better. Hang tight, good luck.
2017-02-05 2:18 pm
Turn that frown upside down :( ------------ (:
2017-02-05 1:49 pm
hey,buddy I care the most about you and think your just amazing don't jump off a bridge we all love you
2017-02-05 12:18 pm
Go get some tickets to dr.phil
2017-02-05 12:12 pm
see dr?
2017-02-04 11:31 am
To want to kill one's self over a person turning them down..........if only you could walk in my shoes over many years.........please know...........the only way I have survived is my FAITH.........only way.
Please get off all that negative first of all............put good thoughts inside of yourself.....know GOD LOVES YOU.
Now..........move on and know this happens to all of us one, two or even three times........so dust yourself off and pick yourself up and love yourself again..........bless you and take care.
2017-02-04 11:27 am
Maybe it's not you. maybe it's the shitty people around you.You said they stole and lied. if that's true why should you apologize.I know it's hard I can't do it either. But sometimes the people around us makes our lives s h i t t y is it at all possible that is the case with you? I mean you obviously care or you would not even be asking. So you are not a d i c k. Is it possible just take a look around. Examine the people you know. Do they treat you well. Are they kind or are the rude and obnoxious all the time.I have been seeing a therapist for quite sometime now. She told me sometimes you can only save your self.Maybe you need to save your self and get rid of those people around you.Good Luck
2017-02-04 4:59 am
Do you really want to kill yourself because some people do not care about giving you a second chance? Nobody would ever take a bullet for you, so why are you wasting your time? Is being rejected the worst thing ever happened to you that made your life "shittiest?"

...you want to end your life prematurely because you are at being rejected by people who let you down. Why chase someone who doesn't give a $$^# about you? You only lose what you cling to. Forget those people, 98% of people around you won't take a bullet for you. So don't kill yourself because of one person.

Do not search for your happiness from people. Learn to be the source of your own happiness. Don't be a failure by letting the presence or absence of someone be it a relationship or friend end your potential. Remember nobody will take a bullet for you.

this too shall pass. Don't be childish. Suit it up and give life a punch.
Remember when you end your life, you are the only one who loses in this equation. Do not miss what you can enjoy later because of judgemental people.
2017-02-04 1:58 am
Ask lestermount
2017-02-03 11:36 pm
You have unrealistic expectations.
2017-02-03 7:48 am
If you want try Jesus ask him for help.
2017-02-03 6:00 am
you clearly suffer from depression
2017-02-03 5:03 am
Take time for you , be happy
2017-02-03 2:39 am
You are thinking to much. When you have a lot of things to do or to fix, you will be so busy as if you don't have any problem.

My suggestion is, set a new goals and start working for it. Trust, that's worth it.
2017-02-03 12:55 am
Ask lestermount
2017-02-03 12:53 am
Well, it sounds like you need to surround yourself with good people, who will not lie or steal from you, but in order to do that, but must not do anything wrong either. Like attracts like. It sounds like you have done something wrong which requires forgiveness. Even if you've had a shitty life, you must dig deep into your heart, and realize that every action has a consequence. This is the karma. What you do will come back to you. If you are good and loving, don't drink alcohol or take drugs, then good things will come back to you. Start your new life today. God will help. Just ask.
2017-02-02 9:39 pm
well, it sounds to me, with your kind permission, that you've done whatever possible and feasible.... to fix whatever you wronged ( if so)
I consider that keeping your / one's dignity upright is equally important , as well...
by the way - whatever exactly is it about, NOT ONLY should you NEVER even consider to kill yourself - never mind over what, but , furthermore , not even ruining your quality of life over it...
2017-02-02 8:02 pm
Perhaps they are guilt tripping you. You should avoid putting anymore efforts as sometimes some things will never work out. Make new friends and look forward instead of being stuck in the past. It would help a lot! :)
2017-02-02 7:59 pm
Fvck them.... You sound like you feel fvcked over. Why apologize?
2017-02-05 9:38 pm
shitty yes
2017-02-03 2:34 pm
It may be possible if you remove the adjective used before LIFE.
參考: own
2017-02-03 12:18 pm
You can try these thinks

A survival kit

Ok, there you are, you managed to hit rock bottom, a state of ultimate broke and despair, a face to face with bankruptcy and depression.

Since problems usually come in bundled offers, destiny has treated you with a few more disappointments: your girlfriend now thinks you should be “good friends” while your actual buddies lost all their fingers and can’t pick up your calls.

You’re on your own.

Before considering options like suicide by gas or meth overdose, try these tips, they’re great when everything is falling apart.

Work out

Run, swim, do yoga and BREATHE BIG. Do whatever it takes to flood your system with fresh blood and oxygen.

There are good reasons why working out squashes depression.

Google it if you’re not convinced.

On top of that: you don’t need to think to work out, that’s great when you feel you have Mayo instead of a brain.

Look up!

Don’t look down, that’s what everybody does when depressed.
Look up.

Also: pump up your chest. Smile if you can. Remember your posture the last time you were feeling great (right before you checked your latest bank statement).

That’s no bs: position your body as if you were feeling good, your mind will follow (they’re connected, that’s why).

Watch South Park

Or whatever dumbest comedy works for you. Everything has been made fun of, that includes the kind of crap you’re going through.

Talking yourself out of bad feelings doesn’t work as well as laughing them out.

Remember: that’s not forever

I don’t care if it sounds lame to say it, so I’ll say it again:

“This too shall pass”.

Think about all the disasters you experienced where you thought pain would crush you entirely…

What’s left of all that?


The same will hold true for this present situation.

Ride the blessing

Don’t believe you’re cursed, you’re not.

Hard times operate like purifiers: they shower away life’s cling-ons: unreliable people, crappy girlfriends (or boyfriends), jobs that you hated anyway.

They also cleanse your life of stale beliefs and help you gain actual knowledge on yourself.

Once the storm is gone, you’ll start a new life: you’ll be wiser and stronger, and you’ll know for sure who you can really count on.

Ride the blessing, you’re not on your own.

And if it’s an encouragement you need, you surely have mine :)

For a weekly shot of life-saving posts about self-help, Buddhism and urban survival, you can subscribe here.
2017-02-03 11:31 am
Well its because you are a shitty speller and you have no grammer.
Sincerly Seamanlover69
P.S. life is good i didnt mean that.
2017-02-02 8:01 pm
Do the disco do the dance

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