To Kill A Mockingbird help?

2017-02-02 6:34 pm
So I am in Year 11 in Australia, not sure the equivalent is in other countries but it is my second last year in high school. I had holiday homework where I had to read To Kill A Mockingbird and make notes on people I admire and the ones I do not. I am struggling to think of people to choose and things to say. I have only been able to choose 2 people that I admire which is Atticus and Mrs Dubose. Who else could I choose for admiration and people who I don't admire. I am wanting to choose maybe 3 or 4 for each.


Talking about people I admire and do not admire in the book, not real life.

回答 (4)

2017-02-02 10:35 pm
You can admire Boo and Tom Robinson - the Mockingbirds of the story. Also Calpurnia, Scout and Jem

You may not like Bob Ewell (thug) Mayella (vamp) or (possibly) Cunningham Snr or any of the lynch mob.
2017-02-02 6:44 pm
Make a list of the characters and what you think their qualities are and then select.
2017-02-02 6:38 pm
Tell them you don't admire Donald Trump. Most of the world agrees with that.

Tell them you do admire your parents, teachers, people who have won Nobel prizes, people who have discovered the cure for diseases, people who have made big advances in any worthwhile field. It should be easy for you to find heroes.
2017-02-02 8:43 pm
I find it ironic that one answer said to bad-mouth Trump because most everyone is doing it. In this book, it was popular to hate on black people. Fortunately, Atticus stood up for the rights of people that were being attacked. He was courageous and articulate. I admire Tom, also, because of his immense compassion despite the hate directed at him. I too have compassion for people hating on Trump voters such as myself. Hate is hate, no matter how impressed people are with their reasons to hate. I feel very sorry for them.

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