2017-02-02 9:25 am
posting from my wifes account so fforgive me...

Hi, I am a 21 year old male who's dream job is to be a police officer.

I recently got married and immigrated from Ireland to Massachusetts. I plan to go to school in September to study criminal justice in hopes to further my progress to become a police officer.

However I have read online that to be a police officer in America you have to be a US Citizen, I have a green card but have no yet applied for citizenship, does anyone know if that is correct? Can I be a police officer in Massachusetts as an immigrant on a green card?

also what steps do you personally recommend for becoming a police officer in the states, as regards to schooling and experience?

回答 (5)

2017-02-05 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello. I'm a current police officer in Alaska. I was a green card holder when I became a police officer here in Alaska.

There is no POST citizenship requirements for police officers in MA.

I contacted the Massachusetts State Police and I got this reply.

Entrance requirements for the examination are as follows:
You do not have to be a citizen to take the exam, however you do have to have legal status to carry a firearm.

So there is NO mention about citizenship in their POST requirements or their laws in MA and technically, you CAN become a police officer with a green card in MA as long as you don't have any felony records and you get your "Massachusetts Resident Alien Permit." I encourage you to apply for that permit anyways.

However, to make it 100% sure, Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii , Maine and Chicago PD (not entire Illinois) clearly state that they DO hire green card holders on their websites so check them out if you are willing to move to those states..
2017-02-02 3:22 pm

I want to share a somewhat different viewpoint, one that you might not get here.

The state of law enforcement in this country has declined. A lot of contemporary law enforcement does not mean being part of the solution, but rather part of the problem. Much has changed because common sense has been exchanged for unethical behavior.

Consensual activity is disdained by law enforcement. It is considered a crime when two adults making a marijuana transaction, even though both parties mutually agree to the transaction.

Asset forfeiture is seizing the property of people who are assumed guilty and have to prove their innocence. Seized monies by police have skyrocketed in the past few decades. Citizens often lack the resources to combat this abusive practice, so police know there is a good chance of departments keeping seized items.

Law enforcement has become militarized. The acquired vehicles are not free, as some believe. The receiving police departments must retrieve the vehicles. Other costs include storage, insurance, maintenance, fuel, training, etc. These costs are not insignificant.

Police exercise wide discretion, which is contrary to what some believe. Law enforcement recently "cracked down" on people reselling NFL post-season tickets. This, again, represents another waste on citizens involved in consensual activity.

Special Weapons & Tactics (SWAT) was once reserved for hostage situations. SWAT is now used for simple matters like marihuana.

Many types of enforcement are ineffective. Checkpoints (roadblocks) are a prime example. Research convincingly shows that roadblocks are ineffective compared to saturation patrols for apprehending drunks. The same research indicates that drunk driving is not deterred by roadblocks. Law enforcement is lazily interacting with law-abiding citizens at roadblocks. INTERNAL Border Patrol checkpoints are also ineffective AWAY from the border.

There is much unethical behavior, which is sometimes called "thuggish" behavior. It is being exposed because the average person can now address it through new technology, such as cellular phone filming, You Tube, internet forums, live streaming, etc. A disturbing instance is the brutal officer who cold bloodedly murdered homeless man Kelley Thomas. You can see the cop bait Thomas in the dashcam video. The cop yells to Thomas, "[these hands] are about to fvck you up!" He fvcked up Thomas to the point of murdering him.

There are multiple websites today listing SYSTEMIC police abuse, and not just individual abuse (see comments below).
2017-02-02 9:52 am
Be a US citizen (or naturalized before time of appointment)
Be between 21 and 35 years of age at the time of hire
Be non-smokers
Pass a physical fitness test, medical examination including a psychological component
Have no felony convictions (some misdemeanors are also grounds for disqualification)
Be official residents in the state and hold a valid drivers license

Educational Requirements

For educational requirements, Massachusetts police recruits must hold, at minimum, a US high school diploma or GED equivalent. However, anyone with a college degree, such as an associate’s or a bachelor’s degree, will be favorably considered. Additionally, for candidates who enter the force with a high school diploma and would like to continue their education, the state offers a unique program. The Police Career Incentive Pay Program (PCIPP) offers federal funds for police officers who want to earn a college degree. Alternatively, the same program offers funds to current college students who’d like to pursue a career as a Massachusetts police officer
2017-02-02 9:32 am
TRY actually researching and reading the local community police department website for actual info locally as it varies greatly.
Better get seriously educated about Reality of what it costs in Mass as foreign international student.
U May NOT be able to pay for 1 - 2 classes.
Understand once you start as international student -- u keep paying until u finish the degree.
ALL that is stuff on local websites
2017-02-02 9:29 am
if you immigrate from Ireland you become cop immediately

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