I feel like people in the family dont make the effort with me anymore?

2017-02-02 2:57 am
im 20 and live with my nan due to my mom passing away when i was 14, my brtoher is older a lived with his girlfriend and my sister who's 19 decided to live with our dad, i chose not to as in the past my dad was not a nice man and mistreated me and my mum but never to my sister......i live an hour and a half from my brother and an hour from my sister......

i rarley ever hear from my brother but he has been in trouble with the police and not been getting jobs but my main problem is my sister, she never harldey makes the effort to ring me or even text, im alway facetiming her and ringing her and half the time she cant be bothered, she never listens....she works during the week and has weekend off but she always goes to out half sisters house (she's 9 but we get on with her mom) and stays there and she wont even get intouch with me then, but her excuse is its because she cant heart me half the time because out half sister's mom has 4 younger kids.......i just facetimed her 5 mins ago and when i was talking she never even listened to what i said and theb i said can we facetime or ring later and she said maybe.....im so annoyed as i know if i never got intouch she would leave it 2-3 weeks before contactiong me, she clearly doesnt see me as a priority in her life and ive even confronted her but she will get angryy and swear at me and wont talk to me....what else could i do? ive tried and i feel so lalone

回答 (2)

2017-02-02 9:59 am
not much you can do about it, you cant force her to contact you
2017-02-02 7:19 am
You have tried to have a relationship with your sister and sadly it appears she doesn't seem to want a close relationship with you. So what should you do? Stop calling your sister.

Focus on befriending/hanging with other people. There are other people that care about you, don't worry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:13:04
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