Have you ever been lost in the woods?

2017-02-02 12:37 am

回答 (43)

2017-02-02 6:41 am
I have never been lost in the woods..been lost in Supermarket before when I was young lol but eventually found my parent(s) before someone called for a lost child lol :P
2017-02-02 12:40 am
my entire life
2017-02-02 12:39 am
never. i can navigate in the dark and with my eyes closed.
參考: my other senses.
2017-02-02 3:07 am
2017-02-02 12:50 am
no and glad about that I rarely get lost anywhere
2017-02-02 12:38 am
2017-02-03 3:10 am
Oh yes. This happened when I was at some building by the woods having a Halloween party. Once when I was 13, one October evening, the sun was setting. It was the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen, so I decided to try and get a better look at it. So I made my way through the woods towards some lake and watched the sun set over the lake. Then I realised that I would better get back before it gets pitch dark. And that's when I got lost, because when I headed back I must have taken the wrong turn. I then couldn't find my way out of the woods, nor could I find by way back to that lake. I went round in big circles for about 45 minutes. I got my phone out and tried to call for help, but just as it was dialing, the battery power ran out! So I was then left in almost complete darkness, and it was a few days before Halloween. And for some reason, the fact that I had no food or water made me considerably more scared.

Half an hour later I found my way up some steep hill, and when I reached the top I then saw the building in the distance where the party was being held. I simply wished I hadn't got lost, because I was so stressed out from it that I couldn't enjoy the rest of the party.
2017-02-02 5:05 pm
No never my friend.
2017-02-02 5:01 pm
Yes. My boyfriend and I got lost once when we went camping. It wasn't until about 4 hours that we found our way back to the campsite.
2017-02-02 3:47 pm
No, but I've been lost in a fog before!
2017-02-02 2:23 pm
2017-02-02 8:49 am
Greatest day in my life. I had rations and drinks of course. When i am nice and lost and i don't know what direction i am going, i feel comfortable the most and one with my environment. It's sad though when you follow the spiritual path in your heart, you find a city right away with paranoid people who call the police on you for looking like your high on something comming out of the woods. Being spiritual is only for the woods. Unfortunately cities cannot handle spiritual people going with the flow of nature hugging trees and swinging your arms with the wind to the currents leading you to a special place that has been destroyed by cities. In the woods, no priorities controlling you, no schedules, no time exists, you just go with the flow and be one with yourself, the trees, the animals, nature, all nature has to offer, and the earth.
2017-02-02 5:16 am
Nope, but I've been lost for words.....does that count?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2017-02-02 1:00 am
Yes. For about an hour...I was on an ATV in a state forest, thankfully I had my dog with me...it was a few years ago. Now I have a compass on my cell-phone, and GPS, lol.
2017-02-02 12:44 am
2017-02-02 12:44 am
No , I stay away from woods,in case there are any teddy bears having a picnic there .
2017-02-02 12:40 am
2017-02-02 12:40 am
Yes. But my guardian angel (a fox), led me to a Walmart where I was able to call for a taxi
2017-02-02 1:35 am
it was a late nov afternoon & getting windy & drizzly &

and i was hurrying thru the darkening woods to get home before the storm started again.

i took a turn on the trail and my cabin wasnt there!

huh? wha...? i panicked a lil as i tried to get my bearings...

i was in 300 acres of deep woods, on one side the bay, on the other the fields...no one could hear me scream.

the shepherds were in the cabin...they couldnt come find me.

it was getting colder.

well, there were only 3 ways i could go so i just picked a trail and started jogging

whoa! there it was!...i could barely see it and i was winded.

the dogs were at the window...they heard me running...we had a real good reunion and i put some logs in the stove and we got warm & comforted.

it was a scare...sometimes i thought i saw figures after the lightning flashes

2017-02-09 4:21 pm
sort of... once i was at a local nature preserve, following trail signs and got lost... i ended up on a road on the outskirts of the place, and when i asked someone who lived across the road how to get back to the parking lot (it was about a 3 mile walk) she told me that i was the fourth person that week who got lost there due to the poorly marked out trail...
2017-02-05 2:22 pm
2017-02-04 11:58 pm
Lol. I can get lost in my back garden Lol. that how much sense of direction I have. awareness is not one of my good points.
2017-02-04 10:56 pm
sort of... once i was at a local nature preserve, following trail signs and got lost... i ended up on a road on the outskirts of the place, and when i asked someone who lived across the road how to get back to the parking lot (it was about a 3 mile walk) she told me that i was the fourth person that week who got lost there due to the poorly marked out trail...
2017-02-04 3:49 am
Yes, I was lost briefly once when I went camping alone and it wasn't fun.
2017-02-04 2:00 am
Sort of. Once I was at a local nature preserve, following trail signs and got lost. I ended up on a road on the outskirts of the place, and when I asked someone who lived across the road how to get back to the parking lot (it was about a 3 mile walk) she told me that I was the fourth person that week who got lost there due to the poorly marked out trail.
2017-02-03 5:04 pm
2017-02-03 1:48 pm
I was once lost in the woods on a hunting trip in Pennsylvania. Every year since I was young, I hunt for black bear on the same mountain. The laurels of Central Pennsylvania can be daunting if you've never experienced them before, but they are still daunting even if you're an experienced outdoorsman. Anyway, an hour before nightfall, I got myself lost in the woods when my party's hunting drive fell apart. I was too far out of range to call anybody on the radio to tell them I was okay. Luckily, I had a compass handy and was able to save myself before night came and I froze. Moral of the Story: Always Carry a Compass!
2017-02-03 1:40 pm
I got lost in a lava field once, No trees , but I had to watch each step I took as the ground was jagged and their were dangerous crevices and ended up walking in circles for about two hours
2017-02-03 1:05 pm
2017-02-03 11:21 am
NO I would never be stupid enough to get lost in the woods.
2017-02-03 10:48 am
2017-02-03 7:52 am
Yes. About 5 miles into heavy forest while picking Chanterelle Mushrooms. I lost direction and was getting frostbite, and vertigo! Then I saw a birdwatcher and his dog! The guy pointed the way to town, and I made it just before dark.
2017-02-03 3:08 am
Sh'it in the woods on the road in a plane on the water
my husband is bad with directions and won't ask for help (typical male) it can take us days just to get down the damn street
2017-02-03 2:40 am
Yep. I literally got lost In my backyard. My friends and I where having a bonfire and we where all drinking. I decided to go for a walk in the middle of the night, got lost, passed out and when I woke up I was only 20 feet from my house..
2017-02-03 12:24 am
2017-02-03 12:16 am
No. I'm at home in the woods.
2017-02-03 12:00 am
I am lost right now...
2017-02-02 9:45 pm
Nah, I've never gone into the woods if I felt like I couldn't find my way around.
2017-02-02 7:52 pm
Yes when the clown epidemic was going on and I saw a clown 🤡
2017-02-02 1:32 pm
Yeah in my childhood but my brother found me
2017-02-02 11:43 am
2 times.

I've never had an unexpected night out- Not yet. But I know several people who have had the experience, and luckily lived to tell the tale.

One is an experienced well-respected leader, who in the winter took two inexperienced companions on a day hike that ended as an unexpected night out. The main cause seemed to have been that once it got dark, the leader thought it would be better (read- shorter in time and miles) to try and bushwhack out then to stick to a well-broken trail. He is lauded for getting them all out alive and unhurt.

A good friend of mine, a person with next to no hiking experience, once visited Bear Mountain State Park and went for a walk with two companions on a trail. They had no map, pack, water, food, etc. Only what was in their pockets. Soon it became dark. Luckily they had found a lean-to and was able to build a fire. In the mornings light, they walked back to their car, with only an interesting story to tell.

No harm, no foul? I love stories like these. They are something to learn from.
2017-02-02 9:19 am
2017-02-03 9:11 am
i was really high on halloween , said i knew a shortcut through the woods , took my little brother w me , we got lost for 3 hours😂😂 had my friend on the phone tryin' to find us😂 i kept telling my lil brother (he was 14) that i heard a bear (i really didnt) he was crying the whole time while i finished smoking my weed , we walked thru a whole creek😂😂 it was so funny

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