I had been to Japan before, but that was the first time I went with my wife. 爲什麽要用had been?

2017-02-01 7:28 pm

爲什麽不用has been?

回答 (6)

2017-02-12 6:15 pm
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因為have been意思係過去嘅行動至今仍繼續或與現在有關
但係had been意思係唔會再發生或與現在無關
例如:I have been to Japan before.(即是仍有機會回去多次,與現在有關)
I had studied in primary school.(即是我曾在小學讀書,但我唔會再係小學讀,可能因為我已經係中學生,與現在無關)
係呢個情況下,我曾去日本,但係由於以前都係一個人去,呢次係我第一次帶妻子去,即係意味以前獨自一人去日本已與現在無關,所以用had been。
2017-02-02 2:22 am
I had been to Japan before, but that was the first time I went with my wife.

我以前曾經去過日本, 但那是我第一次和太太一起去的。

為什麽不用has been?

☆ 因為那是發生在過去的事情, 所以要用「過去完成式的had been.」


例: The farm has been handed down from father to son since 1800.
2017-02-01 11:04 pm
perfect tense:=those composed of have + pp,
eg:-He has/had/will have been to J
=(present, past,future tense).
The past perfect tense:-
eg:-I had had, I had been, He had had, He had been.
When two actions happened in the past one after another, we use the past perfect tense for the first action.
eg:-When I went with my wife, I had been to J before.
It shows a completed action(had been) before a stated time in the past
eg:=Hence:-I had been to J before , but that was the first time I went with my wife.
2017-02-01 8:21 pm
非用 had been 不可了,因為它被that was綁住了,這樣想吧 – 不用看文法書
去日本是一段時間吧,不管三天或五天,時間上是由A點到B點,符合所謂完成式的概念。現在關鍵來了,請問您B點是現在還是過去,答案是過去 – 因為您強調B點在過去 - that was,好了過去完成式被逼出來了。
I have been to Japan with my wife.
I have been to Japan with my wife before.
I have been to Japan with my wife months ago.
以上三句沒人強調B 點在過去,就可說是現在。就用一般中文的邏輯 – 我去過日本/我之前去過日本/幾個月前去過日本 – 沒有關鍵因素要強調”去過”是在過去某一點前(過去完成式的基本理論)
2017-02-02 10:29 am
had been 是“過去完成”時態,除了講歷史事件,一般有“讓步”語氣,好像現在的提問,後跟 but 連詞。
2017-02-01 10:11 pm
先發生的用過去完成式:I" had been" to Japan before
後發生的用過去簡單式:but that "was" the first time I "went" with my wife.


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