Can someone show me how they budget their bills?

2017-01-31 12:02 am
I'm getting ready to live on my own and learn how to budget my bill I work at Walmart $725 and Target $850 a one-bedroom apartment the rent is $500 I don't have any kids just me that's it I'm trying to think should I get cable a house phone or just keep my cell phone

回答 (6)

2017-01-31 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
no need for cable -----two ways 1 - take the cable from the tv and the wire that sticks out , hook it to screw that holds the plastic cover on the wall plug ( it is a ground ) you should get some stations with this method ...2 - put up a powered antenna in the unit you live ( ebay 45 dollars , i have one works great ) as for the cell phone have a pay and go and only use for emergency- mine 25 dollars every 4 months - if you have internet then all you need is a smart tv ( bonus answer )
2017-01-31 12:43 am
You do not need a house phone. Many people including older people (who do not live on their phones) are getting rid of those house phones because of calls trying to sell them something.. You did not state if those amounts are before or after taxes. Hopefully you live in a city where you do not need a car but even with that you need to budget for: Transportation, Utilities, food, misc items i.e. toothpaste and entertainment. If you are not on your parent's policy you will also need health insurance. You probably cannot afford cable.
2017-01-31 12:14 am
I gather you're relatively young. Good job for trying to get a handle on your finances and congratulations on having your own place.

Take your monthly income and monthly bills. If income is less than bills, reduce bills. You do not need cable. Just get an unlimited data plan on your phone and watch Netflix. Or use your local library for movie rentals. Most have a hold system so you can make a list like Netflix used to do.

Keep your place cold in the winter and warm in the summer. Use your car as little as possible.
2017-01-31 12:29 am
Do not aquire any goodies until you get settled in your apartment and are able
to determine how much your total bills will be,for each month.
Cook,instead of eating out. Don't get a pet. You can barely afford $500.per month
rent,so if your wages were to change, you could have a problem.
Good luck.
2017-02-01 2:24 am
Draw a vertical line in the middle of a piece of paper. List your income on one side. List your expenses on the other and then total them. Remember food, transportation and entertainment and probably $100 - $200 a month for miscellaneous.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2017-01-31 5:00 am
The general rule of thumb is your rent should be 1/3 your income. So, in your example, $525/mo rent would be the maximum recommended.

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