Notwithstanding 的用法?

2017-01-30 12:53 pm

回答 (3)

2017-01-30 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
prep--in spite of---without being affected by something.
eg:-Notwithstanding three major election problems,John Tsang has had elected.
eg:-The big JohnTsang notwithstanding ,the election campaign is a great success.

adv----nevertheless, all the same, however,
eg:-Notwithstanding, the serious problem is a significant one.
2017-01-30 3:04 pm
2017-01-31 10:55 am
notwithstanding(1) as being a preposition==in spite of;( 2 ) as being an adverb==nevertheless;all the same;(3) as being a conjunction==although. Examples: (1) They went out notwithstanding the rain;Notwithstanding all his efforts he failed;(2) There was no news;notwithstanding, she went on hoping; She 's not very intelligent,but I like her notwithstanding;(3) Notwithstanding it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat; He passed the examination notwithstanding he had been prevented by illness from studying. Yip
參考: according to the "The Advanced Learner's Dictionary English-English-Chinese" by Oxford University Press and printed in Taiwan and bound in Hong Kong , English impression 1975

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