請問以下的論文題目該如何翻譯較適當? 科技介入服務接觸對顧客影響之研究 ─ 以LINE應用於美髮服務為例?

2017-01-30 12:02 pm

回答 (2)

2017-01-30 10:38 pm
The study of customer behavior analysis as technology has played into service-based businesses – A case study of Line App been used on Salon Services.
這題真的不容易翻譯,以上不能說是好 一定還有改進空間 – 但我已盡力了
另hair 加在salon 之前不是錯,只是沒必要了,因salon已涵蓋hair。
中文題目之介入 – 用詞略有負面感覺,但其意應為協助或溶入該業的意思,用play into : to help support (something, such as an idea) <Her methods play into the stereotype that lawyers are dishonest – copied from Merriam-Webster, 可意為協助之為正面涵義。
中文翻譯為英文確實是很難,是不可將中文一個字一個字翻成英文的,需考慮詞性及前後之對稱 --- 既然您問您的翻譯對不對,我便不客氣的表示一點意見
2017-01-30 12:02 pm
A Study on Affect Customers of Technology Infusion in Service Encounters ─ An Example of LINE Usage in Hair Salon Services

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 09:56:29
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