Does Trump think the American people are employees instead of free citizens?

2017-01-30 5:20 am
He is treating the country like its trump towers, and we are only the employees who have no say so in how the company is ran and have to adhere to the rules of the company even if we collectively don't agree with the outrageous racist rules that he is implementing. We the people are the true rulers of this country and the Government should fear the people not the other way around.

回答 (6)

2017-01-30 5:29 am
Then show the government that is so. Don't just 'protest', write letter, handwritten letters, when elections come up Vote The People in Power Out! THAT is how we use our power in this country.
2017-01-30 5:26 am
No, troll opinions remain..............only opinions. LOL
2017-01-30 6:00 am
When people live a lie they can never be free {Plato's cave ] the simple truth is "We the people " never has been true and to try to suggest it is Trump only perpetuates the lie . We the people have been going to war over and over again wether they like it or not
2017-01-30 5:50 am
So all of a sudden the Democrats claim they were libertarians all along?

Too late, turd. Should have thought of that when you were backing that fascist murdering hag.

Now look what you've done.

YOU'VE done.

YOUR President.
2017-01-30 5:28 am
No. Heck no!
You are confused. It was the crack baby who treated the American people so badly. Purposely lying to us over one issue after the other. I'm glad the boy is gone.

MORE HYPOCRISY: Obama Banned all Iraqi Refugees for 6 Months in 2011 – Liberals SAID NOTHING!"
by Jim Hoft
2017-01-30 5:23 am

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