is drinking heavily a good way to kill my self?

2017-01-29 6:51 pm

回答 (5)

2017-01-31 2:30 am
We are so sorry to hear that you are feeling so much emotional pain that you are contemplating suicide. Know that suicide is never the answer, no matter what problems you are struggling with. Never give up on yourself; your life has great value.

It's so important that you reach out for support from a trusted adult such as a parent, aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000,
2017-01-30 1:32 pm
well, much more than it's a good way's a lousy way, plagued with suffering a lot and with ruining your soul life and mental capacities even before actually dying from severe liver and heart out!
beyond this - additional questions are to be asked in real life...
as it sounds to me you're depressed and/ or traumatised deeply and severely enough to probably urgently need the professional help of a psychiatrist or so, in real life, in your area, someone skilled in treating people of your age, with no further delay...due to your suicidal thoughts....
參考: I am a Family Physician, living and working overseas...good health...
2017-01-29 8:17 pm
2017-01-29 7:51 pm
2017-01-29 7:49 pm
1) My avowed policy in life is "I never misguide people". Please do not provoke me.

2) Instead take proper and adequate care of your mental health and always maintain your mental health in perfect condition.
參考: own

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