Can I go back to USA?

2017-01-29 12:33 pm
I'm in Mexico right now and I'm an American Citizen of the USA. Am I gonna have problems crossing the border? I don't have a passport at the moment but I do have an ID and birth certificate. I'm from America. Can they keep me here?

Thank You!

回答 (5)

2017-01-29 1:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The last I know of, you didn't need a passport to visit Mexico. However, I would leave asap, since you might find yourself unwelcome in Mexico pretty soon.
2017-01-29 12:56 pm
Like ANY American, you'll need a valid US passport to enter the United States. Look to your right: there's Ciudad Juarez. Make an appointment with the US consulate and get yourself a shiny new US passport.
參考: An immigrant from Europe, I live on the American Riviera and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California.
2017-01-29 12:37 pm
hey there i know you must be worried there are some things happening over hear with trump and his laws i hope you get home safe
2017-01-29 10:21 pm
You're a US citizen - so (with your US passport) you can return to the US at any time
2017-01-29 6:55 pm
All US citizens are required to ONLY enter & exit US on their US passport! Penalties apply for failure to do so. What are you doing traveling to any foreign country without a currently valid passport? They will hold you until they verify your citizenship. Due to the high incidence by Mexicans (& others) of child-identity theft & stolen birth certificates, it may take awhile to verify you really are a US-born citizen, if you are.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:10:11
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