How do you tell between false memory and something that actually happened?

2017-01-28 11:32 pm
So I was I think seven years old and I went outside to play with the kids in the woods, one of the kids was I think 12 who he revealed was named Ben (pseudonym), now Ben warned me that there were monsters in the woods, but I knew it was just a game that we were all playing.

The next day, I am alone with him in the woods and he tells me that there are monsters so I use my sword to fight them. Ben then took my sword and threw it in the air to prove that monsters are too strong, so we had to hide behind a tree.
Behind that tree he said that the only way to defeat the monsters were for us to such each other's tip. I don't quite have memory of exactly how it even looked like or felt like, I only remember him saying "you're a star". We then ran out of the woods where we met with my dad who was looking for me. Since then for the rest of the years of living on that street, I only saw him going home from school or being driven by his parents.
The only additional things that I remember is him wearing a blue t-shirt, dark blue shorts and white socks with dark blue shoes.
I am almost certain that the first day with him would have happened because how else would I know his name or have memory of his voice when we never spoke again? But the second day is a bit inconsistent because firstly I don't know how we met, I didn't even know exactly where he lived until later on, and it wouldn't make sense that he'd just be alone in the woods waiting for me? I feel it happened but also didn't.

I'm 20 now and didn't think about this since I was 18 where I didn't think about it since I was 16 where I didn't think about it since I was 12 which would have been the first time I would have been reminded of it, meaning five years without thinking about it, then four years without thinking about it, two years and then another two years, and now I'm thinking about it almost everyday.

回答 (2)

2017-01-29 12:13 am
Get therapy since this is bothering you so much.
Hypnotism may help.
2017-01-29 12:18 am
l suppose if it happened now you would look for supporting evidence

broken twigs, talk to were possible, the other people in your situation

to come to a conclusion.

If there were no others in the situation you could see a counsellor

who does Gestalt empty chair technique where you can dialog

with the differant parts or people in the situation

to complete the situation.

Or please see a Gp if concerned thanks.

Best of Science to you.

Mars Mission.

source:) Studies.

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