交了$2000bail 還要上庭 pre trial
不上庭 直接回國 以後會發生什麼?
Thank you for replying. The court had orders for defendant to forfeit travel documents and pay bail of $2000hkd by 4pm. 謝謝你的回答。法官要求 被告人付2000港元保金和交出旅遊證件。被告人付了$2000元但沒有交出旅遊證件,拿著護照離開香港出境了。 The defendant paid the bail money but left Hong Kong borders with passport before 4pm. What is possibility that Hong Kong will process application for extradition? Thank you. 香港會給被告人的國籍國家發出引渡回港受法律制裁要求嗎? 謝謝你。