Toes tingling after eating?

2017-01-27 3:39 am
My eating habits of late have been trash. However, I've noticed that immediately after every bad meal my toes start tingling and then they start to hurt. I though that this could be gout but I'm not sure. I am a female 5'7 and 150lbs no health problems, but I understand it's more common in men.

回答 (3)

2017-01-27 3:42 am
Gout aches, doesn't tingle.

My guess is you're having a circulation issue after eating. Go get your blood sugar and blood pressure checked particularly if you're overweight, out of shape, over 40 or are otherwise at risk for diabetes or heart disease.
2017-01-27 4:14 am
Most likely it's psycho-somatic. You heard somewhere that people get diabetes with tingly feet - and your mind can present you with these because you're worried about your horrible diet. Happens a lot really.

So..... one solution is to think about a better diet - a high nutrition diet. And then you won't be poisoning yourself all the time and feeling like a slug. Get a copy of Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat To Live" off of Amazon. He pushes a diet of ONLY the most nutritious stuff there is - leave the garbage for somebody else. It's greens, beans and some fruit. And it's cheap too. You can make up big soups and salads and have a nice life.
2017-01-27 3:42 am
You eat toes?
But seriously, you could be describing diabetic neuropathy. Have your A1C checked.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:10:12
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