Can someone explain what this type of dream is called?

2017-01-26 8:46 am
I had a bad dream mixed with my sleep paralysis, I was in a house, don't know if it was mine or not but it had a massive water boiler and the water wasn't working so I had to fixed it, when i fixed it it was blood coming through not water and it sucked me inside in a flash and I swear on everything I could feel my body in real life being pulled and swinging in the air like when your drowning and you have no control, I was getting thrown about in the boiler full of blood and my real life body can feel it I had to grab my actual pillow on my bed to bring me back to normal I can't explain it but it's like having an outer body experience like your soul is going through it but your body and mind feels it that's exactly what I had, haven't had it in a while but when I used to get it I used to not be able to sleep and go to my mums room and sleep on her bed cause I was in that much of a shock now I just deal with it, can someone explain what type of dream is? Why am having it? I normally used to get them when I sleep with my chest facing the ceiling but never when I sleep on my side

回答 (5)

2017-01-26 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
This could be one of two things. It could be a dream and i will interpret it for you in a moment. But second, it could be you have ether a heart or a lung/breathing problem or illness. You absolutely MUST go to your Medical Doctor for a check up!! Absolutely! I cannot answer a question like this without a special warning, that this type of feeling could mean there is something physically wrong with you, and you feel it most when you are sleeping and your mind is trying to dream. So first and most important, make an appointment too see your Medical Doctor.

My dream interpretation is that you are experiencing the feelings you had in your mother's womb, as an unborn infant. Or perhaps the process of birth itself. I doubt very much if you are "remembering" your birth. But I do think you are going through the birth experience in your mind again. You don't give your age, but you do say you can go to your mother's room to help you through this frightening ordeal. The safety of mother's nearness calms you down, just as a child would be safe in his mother's arms, or presence.

You definitely are going through the symptoms of "panic attacks," whatever else is happening to you and you need medicine for that, so it looks like you will be going to an MD anyway.
Please take this description and my reply with you to your Doctor, as I want him/her to get the full benefit of what you are experiencing and sometimes at the Doctor's office we forget things we want to say, he is in a hurry, etc. Please listen to me. I seldom ask people to go to the Doctor, but you are being asked to do just that. This experience is not normal at all. I wish you well.
2017-01-26 11:23 am
First off, you're not having sleep paralysis. That happens when a person is AWAKE & aware, not during dreams. Also, since those feelings don't occur during the day, it's not a health issue... and it isn't real. You are merely having nightmares or very vivid dreams and the physical sensations are a psychosomatic reaction. Because the brain doesn't recognize dream events are not real, it triggers the nervous system to react just as it would IRL. That's why you can wake up still feeling the actual physical sensations from a dream. It's not an OBE, astral travel or anything mysterious. You're just too deeply asleep and are experiencing a somatic hallucination.
2017-01-26 9:54 pm
Ur fear and stress is depicted in dream
2017-01-26 8:53 am
yo...thats kinda dope. Live action horror im sorry
2017-01-26 8:47 am
Because your pineal gland is producing excess amounts of DMT

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