Why is my penis so small when soft like an inch and when it's hard it can be up to 6in?

2017-01-25 6:45 pm

回答 (11)

2017-01-25 6:51 pm
I ta ke the Prolargent size product to incr ease my penis size when need to be , and it works very well . Just ta ke i w hen th ere's action and you'll be glad I d id . Al most ripped the sheet s.
2017-01-26 6:52 am
That's how it is for some of us. We're grow but we don't show. I used to feel really bad about it when I was younger but then I realized how amazing it is to watch it grown from an inch to full size. It's like a miracle. A lot of guys look small when they are soft so don't worry about it.
2017-01-26 1:53 am
Some of us are just blessed with being a grower.
2017-01-25 7:15 pm
some are growers and others are showers. You are a grower.
2017-02-01 11:18 am
i'm the same way...
girls really don't care when it's soft... it's the long hard one they want...
also it's how you use it...
fore play is a must
2017-01-27 6:18 pm
When the penis is erect all the blood flow is directed by the brain to the veins in the cock . Thus it gets erect and able to perform the act of intercourse or masturbation . This is a GOD given gift for all the males who copulate using the penis. Enjoy. Regards.
2017-01-27 2:21 am
You "condition" is normal, but it is uncommon. The size of a penis does not usually differ so much between soft and hard. As long as it grows that much you are doing ok.
2017-01-26 4:27 pm
I'm the same way.
Girls really don't care when it's soft. It's the long hard one they want.
Also it's how you use it.
Fore play is a must
2017-01-26 4:24 pm
Because you are gay
2017-01-25 10:15 pm
You are known as a "grower" when it comes to your penis.
2017-01-25 10:37 pm
We are sorry you are dissatisfied with your penis.

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