Chemistry Question?

2017-01-25 11:43 am
The rate constant (k) for a reaction was measured as a function of temperature. A plot of lnk versus 1/T(in K) is linear and has a slope of −1.16×104 K.
Calculate the activation energy for the reaction.
Express your answer using three significant figures with the appropriate units.

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2017-01-25 12:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Arrhenius equation : ln(k) = (-Eₐ/R)(1/T) + ln(A)
A plot of ln(k) versis 1/T gives a slope -Eₐ/R.

Slope :
-Eₐ/R = -1.16 × 10⁴ K
-Eₐ/[8.314 J/(mol K)] = -1.16 × 10⁴ K
Eₐ = (1.16 × 10⁴) × 8.314 J/mol

Activated energy = 96400 J/mol = 96.4 kJ/mol (3 sig. fig.)

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