I have a wireless router. Do I need a DSL or cable modem to connect my tablet to the internet?

2017-01-25 9:39 am

回答 (7)

2017-01-25 9:50 am
WIFI is NOT an Internet Connection. All WIFI does in connect your tablet or pc to the ROUTER. The Router in turn needs to connect to the Internet by DSL or Cable,
So Yes you will need that.
2017-01-25 9:42 am
The wireless router itself isn't going to get you Internet. You need an internet connection from an ISP. I have no idea where you live, so i can't tell you what is or isn't available in your area.

The type of modem you need depends on your provider. I have AT&T U-Verse and they gave us a gateway. It isn't compatible with any other provider; only AT&T.
2017-01-28 12:15 am
2017-01-27 2:54 am
What Internet feed do you now have for the WAN or Internet (whichever name the maker decided to call it) port of the Wireless router? If you have none, then yes you need an Internet feed and the most common are DSL and Cable TV
2017-01-26 2:40 am
Yes. you need a dsl or cable modem.
2017-01-25 5:12 pm
Without knowing the make and model of the router, I cannot give you the definitive answer. If it is a combined modem/router box, then it will have one type on modem integrated into the router. If this is the case, then you already have the modem, and all you need is a compatible connection to a suitable ISP.

If it is not a combined unit, then it will have an Ethernet WAN/Internet port and you will need an ISP and a separate compatible modem.

The router on its own without an ISP connection will only allow you to set up a local private network interconnecting Ethernet and WiFi devices but not providing access to the Internet.

Next time you ask a question like this, please include the make and model of relevant devices, and for a more local answer, your country and city (NOT your full address). This could allow others who live in the same city some advice about possible ISPs and whether they offer a DSL or cable service.
2017-01-25 9:43 am
Many wireless routers, in fact I think most in the world today, are also connected to the Internet. I mean, if you're paying x no. of dollar a month and the router is plugged into your phone or cable line, then you already have Internet.

But with -just- a wireless router, yes, you have to have Internet. DSL and cable modem are the two most popular ways to do it at home.

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