How much should i get back from my income tax?

2017-01-25 9:12 am
If you made 8,000 on your income tax statement, how much would i get back with one dependant? I am a single parent. I don't own anything.

Thank You!

回答 (4)

2017-01-25 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on a lot of things. How old are you? Who do you live with? Were you a student in 2016? Amount could be as much as 3729 or could be zero
2017-01-25 11:24 am
You cannot support 2 people on 8k. What other support did you have?
2017-01-25 9:22 am
Use the website to find which deductions you qualify for (rental credit, low income credits, etc.) and the 1040EZ form has step by step instructions that you can use. The answer to your question varies greatly on how many allowances you claimed and how much tax was taken out from your checks during the year. Good luck!
2017-01-25 9:43 am
You are getting scammed very hard. You should be getting over 20k back

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