Who is worse Donald Trump or Theresa May?

2017-01-25 7:08 am
Donald Trump: P~ssy Grabber
Theresa May: Who hates Human RIgths

回答 (5)

2017-01-25 7:10 am
Trump brings me out in hives every time he speaks, May just leaves me cold, so I'll have to vote for Trump as a walking abomination.
2017-01-25 8:17 am
Depends whether you live in the US or UK.
2017-01-25 8:00 am
The head of amnesty international (London) hates human rights.
2017-01-26 5:46 am
What you are saying about Mr. Trump was not done in public. It was a story he told another guy who laughed about it. Bill Clinton molested women while he was actually in office. You cant condemn Pres Trump for saying something about women in private, thats idiotic.

PM May doesnt hate human rights. Britain has a right to sovereign decisions including keeping more Muslims and Hindus out and preserving whats left of England.
2017-01-25 3:51 pm
The reality is that both are capable and fit people to be in their positions.

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