i hate my grandpa so much! he's abusive,bossy, etc and now he came here for a visit and trying to control my life?

2017-01-25 4:39 am
he always used to hit me when i was young, he used to break my video games because he hated technology, he is very narrow minded, he screams like a maniac and he is a dick, and says harsh things and never gives u the right for privacy and talks **** to you when he's mad for no reason.
my mum invited him to our house for 2months and from day 2 he is already talking **** and screaming like a maniac at me for no reason. i'm 19. i lock my room at the house always. my parents never made a big deal about it. my grandpa came here and started talking **** and assuming im hiding stuff and secrets. which is wrong. i wish he could die. he used to hit me when i was young. i can't hold my temper anymore. he got me so mad. so many details i can say but they are so many but i can't, all in all, he is abusive and controlling and wants everything to go his way, if not, he uses loud noises or violence. what should i do? i can't wait 2months. and i can't afford a house or apartment outside. how can i tell him to **** off? i talked to my mum about it, and she told him. he doesn't listen. btw i'm 19

回答 (4)

2017-01-25 4:58 am
So call him out on it!

Straight up, ask him, "Grandpa, why don't you love me?"

He will undoubtedly ask why you feel that way. Then tell him what you just told us.

Now here's the thing, it doesn't really matter what happens in this conversation. He may deny it completely. He may apologize. Whatever. Doesn't matter.

What will matter is that you've brought this to his attention. And he will think about what you said. Trust me. he will. And likewise, he will start seeing when he behaves this way and try to reduce it.

But you have to call this behavior to his attention. Otherwise nothing will change.
2017-01-25 4:48 am
You don't. You say, "Mum has no problem with me locking my door for privacy as I am 19. I don't think you should have a problem with it in their home either." He's old. He's no there forever. You continue to lock your door.
2017-01-25 4:45 am
I cannot relate to where you are coming from but never wish death on someone. You are 19 which makes you an adult. If he abuses you, you need to be calling the police on this. Did you tell anyone growing up how he treated you? If not, it is very difficult to know if someone is being treated poorly if you never speak up. If you already told your mom and she is unable to help at this point, I would say call up the police. For one your grandpa does not live there so locking your door should be no concern for you. Unsure why your mom does not see that this is an issue with him being there.

Of course I am only answering the question from your story. I really do not know the other side.
2017-01-25 4:43 am
if hes violent just call the police on him, you can get him out of your house that way

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