Costco: Can I (member) and my guest ask the cashier to pay half with one debit card and half with another?

2017-01-25 2:57 am
We are students and share groceries

回答 (7)

2017-01-25 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only Costco members can make purchases, so the answer is NO.
2017-01-25 2:59 am
yes. tell the cashier before she rings it all up.
2017-01-25 11:54 pm
I doubt it
obviously you take your roommate all the time and more than once as a guest makes him no longer a guest
2017-01-25 3:04 am
just make it separate orders
2017-01-25 3:01 am
2017-01-25 10:44 am
2017-01-25 3:49 am
Of course but, tell her at the beginning of the order. I have done it with gift cards with only a little money on them so, after running them, there was a balance owing. I am not sure how it would work with a limitless or high limit debit or credit card.
2017-01-25 1:26 pm

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