Find the angle.?

2017-01-24 7:40 pm
In right triangle XYZ XY is 20, YZ is 21 and ZX is 29. Find the tangent of angle X.

回答 (6)

2017-01-24 7:46 pm
With respect to ∠X, XY is the adjacent side, YZ is the opposite side, and ZX is the hypotenuse.

tan∠X = (opposite side) / (adjacent side)
tan∠X = YZ/XY
Hence, tan∠X = 21/20
2017-01-24 7:44 pm
21/20 = 1.05 = tan of angle x

(The angle is 46.4 deg)
2017-01-25 1:14 am
Start with the Greeks and just go from there.

Did you know that every single stone in the make up of the Parthenon is unique none of them are the same size or shape?
2017-01-24 9:03 pm
2017-01-24 8:21 pm
In right triangle XYZ XY is 20, YZ is 21 and ZX is 29. Find the tangent of angle X.
For angle X
Adjacent side =XY=20
Facing side=YZ=21
Hence tan X = Facing side / Adjacent side =21/20=1.05
Angle X= tan⁻1(1.05)=46.40°
2017-01-24 8:08 pm
Tan(angle) = opposite / adjacent
Tan(angle) = YZ/XY = 21/20
Tan(aangle) = 1 1/20 = 1.05
Angle = Tan^-1(1.05)
Angle = 46.39 degrees (2 d.p.).
2017-01-24 7:50 pm

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