When should I get a tattoo?

2017-01-24 4:53 pm
So right now I am 16 and really want to get a tattoo and the laws where I live state that anyone between the ages of 14 and 17 can get a tattoo as long as they have parental consent. I have parental consent and could get one by April this year as I am vacationing in Hawaii, where my mum said I could get one. Although I have heard from multiple uncles and aunts that you should wait until you re 18 until you get one so you know for sure you want one and are wiser when making certain decisions. I already know what tattoo I want because I have basically wanted it since I was 11. I did that trick that a few people say to do which is to print out a copy of the tattoo design and stick it on my wall. I did that for almost 3 years and I still liked it and still wanted to get it. So whether I am 16, 17 or 18 I know that is the tattoo I am getting. But like my uncles and aunts say, I should wait a couple more years to make sure but I do also want one now, what should I do?

回答 (6)

2017-01-26 5:20 pm
After 20
2017-01-25 1:10 am
I agree with "emily". There will always be professional people saying "don't get visible tatts, we don't hire people with tatts." I disagree, if you can keep it hidden at work. Anyway, you are old enough to know tatts = low-wage jobs. Like, in a bar, or maybe a mechanic. I think low-wage jobs are ok, if that is what you like.

Now is when you start making decisions for yourself, like smoking, drinking & having sex. Sure, take the opinion of mature adults into consideration, that's what mature people do. Especially with long-term things like marriage, drugs or tatts, decisions that are personal and will make you, you.

Since you & mom like tatts, get it. If your parents say yes, to smoking & heroin, like a friend of mine, maybe their judgement is questionable!? Only bad parents would get their child heroin or a tatt they know they would regret. So, maybe not on your neck, hands, etc., That way you can cover it should you ever want a real job.
2017-01-24 5:23 pm
2017-01-24 9:17 pm
you should get one when your ready too get one and won't regret it
2017-01-24 10:17 pm
There will always be people saying "don't get tattoos", "wait until your older", etc... I disagree with those people though, i think if you are way younger like 13 then no, it is to young, but if you are a little older, like you are, i think it is okay, now is the time where you start learning to make decisions for yourself, and this is a good example, it is good that you are taking there opinion into consideration though, it proves that you aren't just like i do what i want when i want blah blah blah like a lot of teenagers, but a tattoo is something that is personal and makes you, you. It sounds like you have liked this tattoo for a long time and it that you really want it so i would get it, since your mom said yes, i think you should, if your parents say yes, obviusly it is not a bad tattoo because no parents would let there child get a tattoo they know that there child would regret, and its not like you picked it out 2 days ago and want it, you've liked it for a long time and never got sick of it, so if i were you i would for sure get it, maybe not in such a noticeable area like your neck or anything like that but maybe your thigh or arm so it shows but if you need it covered you can still cover it, but yes i think you should get it.
2017-01-24 5:00 pm
You can get a tattoo any age as long as you have a parent

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