Should I get a new therapist?

2017-01-24 1:42 am
I always go to therapy to talk to someone because I can talk to my family about my problems I'm going to low self-esteem and I'm always depressed when I went to therapy the other day my therapist told me that you are fake and you are stuck up person and she said you are a negative person that really hurt my feelings and she also said this if you want to find a new therapist go right ahead really hurting me I can't believe she said that to me because she told me this I'm going to keep it real with you whether you like it or not what do you guys think I should do

回答 (2)

2017-01-24 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes you should get one
2017-02-02 7:35 am
I hope nobody has paid for such therapy! No half decent therapist should make such negative and critical remarks to a client!

Watch a Tony Robbins video on Youtube.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:10:03
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