Why is Y!A politics filled with racist trash or extreme radicals?

2017-01-23 9:34 am

回答 (8)

2017-01-23 9:35 am
Why does the sun rise in the East every morning?
2017-01-23 10:08 am
They can hide behind their "Anonymous" avatars and spew all the crap they want, without fear of any consequences. If they get suspended, all they have to do is open a new account. They don't have to confront someone they've insulted.
2017-01-23 9:37 am
Chill dude most of them are only teenagers who don't have a brain between them the and the rest are of the righteous leftist elite so basically none of them deserve any attention
2017-01-23 9:37 am
BC liberals always have to be the center of attention for everything , if there not they will create and make something up
2017-01-23 9:41 am
1. Donald Trump made it fashionable to be a racist a**hole.

2. Yahoo Answers has apparently stopped deleting flagged posts. Bullies and trolls are all cowards, you know, and they get a thrill from getting away with stuff. They do it over and over until they get bored and then move on to pulling wings off insects or tying tin cans to dogs' tails.
2017-01-23 10:02 am
Sometimes there are so many racists and ignorant people on YA that I want to scream. Apparently there are so many, you can't possibly report them all. I can handle extreme radicals, but, to be a blatantly mean and ugly racist really bothers me. I guess they have the freedom to write things and if people answer them, they can keep doing it. I try to skip them and report the ones who are really offensive.
2017-01-23 10:18 am
I'm sorry if my pointing out the ABSURD is racist and extreme! Don't blame me for all the problems in the systemically racist cities: I didn't vote for the Democrat mayors! Reality is more and more becoming like a Twilight Zone episode or Mel Gibson in blue face telling us to be free we have to vote for Longshanks! I just point it out!
2017-01-23 9:48 am
And pregnant teens

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