What is a good alibi to explain to your parents why you have videogames they didn't buy you?

2017-01-23 5:08 am
I'm 17, a junior in high school, and I like to play Titanfall 2 on my Xbox every afternoon after I get home from school, which my Dad bought for me last Christmas. Admittedly, I wanted to check out Rainbow Six: Seige and For Honor, so, using Dad's credit card information, I downloaded/preordered both during the past week. Now I'm finding myself in a bit of a fix: if I'm playing either of those and Dad walks in the room, he'll start to get suspicious, and if I never do I'll have wasted at least $140. What should I tell him to try to bypass- or at least alleviate- this risk?

回答 (4)

2017-01-23 5:24 am
Tell him you have that game, because you wanted to teach him a lesson about trust.
2017-01-23 5:11 am
you stole money without permission. there is no alibi to that. if you use his credit card, and he checks his statement online, he'll have seen it automatically from Xbox of the bill for those games. it won't say specific games, just from the Xbox.com site. i would think he's not an idiot, so just tell him the truth, accept any punishment for stealing his money, and move on. it's your fault you didn't ask for permission to use his money to buy games for yourself.
2017-01-23 5:19 am
Do you not think he's gong to wonder why he's $140 down on his credit card statement this month?
2017-01-23 5:11 am
Tell him the bill is in the mail.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:13:19
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