What day of the week do you usually eat the most?

2017-01-23 1:51 am

回答 (12)

2017-01-23 1:59 am
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Thursdays. My sister lives in Primm and comes out to the Las Vegas Valley, once a week. We usually go to the Red Lobster for Lunch. That is the biggest meal I eat once a week. I usually eat salads, baked chicken and fruit, but we all have a vice, that we have to indulge in every once in a while, right?
2017-01-23 2:03 am
2017-01-23 2:26 am
2017-01-23 2:22 am
Weekends, although I can hold my own during the week too.
2017-01-23 2:16 am
Saturday, although I eat pretty much the same amount each day.
2017-01-23 2:06 am
Sunday lunch is my biggest meal of the week .
2017-01-23 2:04 am
I stuff my face with pizza every Friday night.
2017-01-23 1:55 am
Friday's. It seems I eat the most.
2017-01-23 1:55 am
Whenever it's my day off.
2017-01-23 1:55 am
Friday is my junk food day so Friday.
2017-01-23 1:51 am
2017-01-23 2:54 am

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