Lol would it seem like I m a giant fangirl if I wore a band s shirt to meet them? Or should I wear a normal shirt)?

2017-01-22 12:41 am

回答 (4)

2017-01-22 1:18 am
Every other person there will be wearing a band t-shirt, so you won't look out of place. However if you want to make a memorable impression on them, wear something that is more flattering. Be an individual rather than one of the herd.
參考: Worked for a concert promoter and was a sound man for bands.
2017-01-22 12:47 am
Well, if your there then.. Your a fan right? WEAR THE SHIRT! lol
2017-01-22 12:43 am
i mean, i wear a bunch of Cubs and other Chicago sports teams to show I support them. i see no wrong in wearing a band t-shirt to show your support.
2017-01-22 12:42 am
It doesn't matter. They won't remember you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:10:46
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