Be honest, how likely is it that Trump actually won the Popular Vote?

2017-01-21 2:11 pm
A significant amount of the Hispanic community in California is illegal; most Hispanics vote Democrat

How much of a stretch is it that illegals let Hillary win the Popular Vote?

回答 (13)

2017-01-21 2:17 pm
it is purely coincidental that the three counties Hillary won in California is where 95% of illegals live. 🙄
2017-01-21 2:18 pm
not to mention he was gaining votes in the recounts (that the libs demanded) proving that libs were throwing Trump votes in the trash.
2017-01-21 3:07 pm
Not likely, but I feel without Obama's executive order giving citizenship (and voting rights) to over 6 million illegals, he would have won it.
2017-01-21 2:29 pm
What you're saying is fake news. Those reports have been proven to be false time and time again. So unless there's a concerted effort somewhere that 3 million votes were actually fake (or more), then let's just accept that for one of the few times in 45 elections, the electoral college winner did not win the popular vote (same as GW Bush Jr).
2017-01-21 2:28 pm
The libtards are merely counting non-citizens and dead people.

Get rid of their crooked double standard, and Trump won the popular vote too.
2017-01-21 2:26 pm
It's a proven fact that Hillary stole 5 states with dead/illegal votes.
2017-01-21 2:18 pm
I am pretty sure he got the popular vote too.
2017-01-21 2:13 pm
He lost the Popular Vote by 3,000,000. Facts etched in stone and in history. Hillary R. Clinton won the Popular Vote by a huge margin.
2017-01-21 2:13 pm
If you take away California and New York Hillary lost the popular vote. That's what I'm seeing.
2017-01-21 2:12 pm
Yes, Hillary rightfully won.

California belongs to Mexico now.

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